
Educational Training Course

  • Last updated:2024-08-19
  • Count Views:7

        HTA aims to provide scientific evidence and to support the formation of health policies with empirical evidence so that healthcare resources may be distributed under the principle of being fair and just. To build a sound HTA system in Taiwan, insufficient talent specializing in HTA poses a bottleneck. In other words, HTA talent development is an important task. For the short term, spontaneous continuing education, inviting domestic and international experts to visit Taiwan for exchange or collaboration with applicable domestic academic and research institutions are the only solutions so that the HTA experience may be enriched and accumulated. Over the years, by attending international conferences, CDE has been acquainted with HTA experts and adequately invited them to give educational trainings in Taiwan. Such educational training courses not only enable policy-makers to know experiences in other countries but also offer domestic industries, the government and the academe with opportunities to gain knowledge about HTA methodology. In addition, NHIA, CDE and NICE signed the collaboration agreement together in May 2023; in the future, they will deepen mutual information exchange and staff training in order to boost the NHI-covered new drug payment assessment and financial management mechanism.
       The HTA also, through academia-research collaboration, helps teach related degree and program courses. It holds challenge camps jointly with the Taiwan Society for Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research (TaSPOR), too, so that young students have the opportunity to access knowledge in the HTA field. In addition, the HTA periodically holds related series of courses at the academy under CDE, such as efficacy assessment, construction of a pharmacoeconomics model and financial impact analysis, etc., so that interested parties can learn together on this platform. For related courses, you may refer to the links below.

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