
International Collaboration

  • Last updated:2024-08-19
  • Count Views:14

        The Division proactively takes part in HTA-related international organizations and events, including the Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA), HTAsiaLink, and the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), etc. In addition, the Division proactively exchanges with international HTA organizations. Besides competing in the elections of HTAi, INAHTA, and HTAsiaLink supervisors/directors and being invited to speak and service as the moderator in primary international seminars, the Division has also invited multiple times experts from international HTA organizations to visit Taiwan in person or give speeches on line for sharing and exchange of HTA approaches and related policies and signed the 3-year collaboration agreement with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in May 2023 to jointly promote national health in Taiwan and the United Kingdom and to boost mutual understanding and friendly relationships as well as to facilitate collaboration in National Health Insurance and health technology assessment (HTA).
        The following is a summary of accomplishments in attending international events over the past five years (2018 through 2023).

        NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) was formed in 1999 in the United Kingdom to take charge of introducing various guidelines that help promote national health and disease prevention/treatment so that NHS resources in the UK may be effectively utilized. NICE started to develop public health guidelines in 2005 to help with disease prevention and health promotion; therefore, its name was changed to National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (still known as NICE). In addition, in April 2013, large-scale health service reformation began in the United Kingdom. NICE transformed into an administrative corporation that not only takes charge of developing clinical guidelines but also helps define social care quality criteria.
        The CDE held the “First Taiwan-UK Health Technology Assessment Collaboration Agreement Workshop” on September 13, 2023 where NICE experts were invited to visit Taiwan for in-depth discussions of related issues and exchange of experience. This workshop marks an important milestone of collaboration between Taiwan and the UK in HTA. On the basis of this collaboration agreement, Taiwan and the UK will continue to exchange information on health technology assessment and create mutual training and exchange channels in the future.
        In addition, the CDE invited experts from NICE in the UK in November 2023 to assist with training courses for HTA professionals. The course covered topics such as how NICE supports the NHS in resource allocation decisions, how NICE adapts to ongoing advancements in healthcare with flexibility and rigor, and strategic planning and challenges management.

        Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) was formed in 2003 and is an important academic and professional organization in the field of health technology assessment, with members in more than 65 countries on six major continents combined, 82 organizations and more than 2500 individual members. It offers diversified scientific perspectives that serve as the bases for decision-makers while the latter apply healthcare resources. CDE is invited to speak at HTAi on a yearly basis and has shared many times during the general assembly the research experience in Taiwan and served as the panelist in multiple workshops. In addition, the division head has served as a director on the Board of HTAi for consecutive terms to date (2024) since 2020. 

        The INAHTA is a nonprofit international health technology assessment alliance formed in 1993 that has 52 members from 32 countries now, all of which are non-profit organizations formed with public funds and linked to regions or governments. Through collaboration and information sharing, INAHTA is devoted to the output and dissemination of HTA reports that are provided to related authorities and utilized during the evidence-based decision-making process.
        CDE representatives have served as INAHTA directors/supervisors since April 2016 and taken part in the planning of future promotions and distribution of tasks of the INAHTA in addition to sharing in meetings the current HTA implementation status and related research findings in Taiwan. 

        HTAsiaLink is a regional collaboration network consisting of HTA institutions throughout Asia and aims primarily to reinforce the capabilities in HTA studies through the exchange between member organizations and individual members. HTAsiaLink is devoted to encouraging respective parties to include HTA study findings in their decision-making process and to help more people understand the benefits brought about by HTA. Formed in 2010, HTAsiaLink now has 24 member organizations from 15 countries. Other than Asia, the international department of NICE is an important affiliated member, too. 
        The 2015 conference of HTAsiaLink was held by Taiwan and the CDE has continued to proactively take part in related events and operations, too. Besides sharing Taiwan’s experience in and history of HTA studies through posters and oral presentations, proactive efforts are made to seek collaboration with other members.

        The International Society for Pharmaeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) was formed in 1996 and its founding purpose is to facilitate scientific advancement in health economics and effectiveness studies around the world. With organizational and individual members from more than 110 countries now, the ISPOR is one of the world’s largest cross-disciplinary professional organizations and focuses on the exploration of, collaboration in, and sharing of results from pharmacoeconomics and effectiveness studies. CDE continues to proactively take part in ISPOR events and operations. Representatives are sent to take part in conferences on a yearly basis and share Taiwan’s accomplishments in HTA studies and experience through oral presentations and posters in the conferences.

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